The Westshore Lake Club has established the following rules for the benefit and enjoyment of all its members:

  1. The Club grounds and lake are open for use ONLY during daylight hours. Club grounds are identified by “NO TRESPASSING” signs.
  2. Guests MUST be accompanied by a member. Permission for ten or more guests at one time must be obtained from the Board in advance.
  3. Good conduct in speech and action is encouraged.
  4. The beach is closed to swimmers due to State of Illinois requirements. (e.g: State requires telephone and toilet installed in swimming areas)
  5. No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere on the premises.
  6. No alcoholic beverages are allowed anywhere on the premises.
  7. Rubbish should be kept off the grounds and out of the lake. Carry out your trash.
  8. Throw lines and trot lines are not permitted. Fishing with minnows is not permitted. No outside fish shall be put into the lake by anyone.
  9. Trolling motors up to ½ hp are permitted. Other motors are not permitted unless authorized by the Board.
  10. No motorized vehicles (ie: 4-wheelers) are permitted on lake grounds except for maintenance purposes. (Exceptions on request to the board)
  11. Digging on the grounds for fish bait or any other reason is prohibited unless authorized by the Board.
  12. Members are encouraged to inform non-members that they are trespassing on private property and ask them to leave. Any violations should be reported to the Board.
  13. Any member's infraction of these rules may result in suspension of the right to use the Club grounds and lake on the decision of a Board officer. Such suspension must be reported to the Board President as soon as possible & shall remain in effect until the Board has acted on the matter.